

Short Name JIRTLI
Foundation 2021
Frequency year 4
Website https://textile.uzsci.uz/
Issn Print 2181-2209 If indexed in WOS No
Issn Online If indexed in Scopus No
Issn English If indexed in Rins No

The peer-reviewed open access journal “JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TEXTILE AND LIGHT INDUSTRY” has been published since 2021 and serves as a platform for disseminating the results of scientific research in the textile field. Its main goal is the synthesis of scientific and practical achievements in the field of textile, light, cotton industries, ecology and labor protection and economics of the industry.

The publication is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science in specialties should be published.

Article Submission Guidelines

Manuscript Submission

When submitting a manuscript, you must confirm that it is an original work, that you own all rights to it, that it is being submitted to this journal for the first time, and that it is not under consideration for publication in any other journal or publication. The originality of the manuscript must be verified through a plagiarism detection system, and the similarity index must not exceed 25%. The manuscript must be approved by all authors and the institution where the work was performed. Institutional approval must be supported by a recommendation letter from the administration. Manuscripts can be submitted in Uzbek, Russian, English, or German.

What We Publish

The "Journal of Innovative Research in Textile and Light Industry" publishes scientific works in the following areas and specialties:

  • Technology of primary processing of natural fibers
  • Silk production technology
  • Spinning technology
  • Textile fabric production technology
  • Textile material science
  • Chemical technology of textile materials
  • Garment production technology
  • Leather product manufacturing technology
  • Printing technologies
  • Occupational safety and equipment security
  • New developments in textile materials, including raw materials, fibers, fibrous and non-woven fabrics, and other materials like textile composites
  • Machines and mechanisms for the textile and light industries
  • Economic and environmental issues in the industry

Types of Articles Considered

  1. Original Research Articles: 3,000–6,000 words with at least 15 references
  2. Analytical Articles: 6,000–9,000 words with at least 60 references
  3. Review Articles

Peer Review Process

A double-blind peer review process is applied, where the identity of the reviewers and authors is not disclosed. Reviewers may choose to disclose their identity in the review. Each article is reviewed by at least two reviewers. Manuscripts are reviewed promptly, and editorial decisions are usually made within 4–6 weeks. The editorial team makes the final decision on the acceptance of the article for publication.

Publishing Ethics

The journal adheres to publishing ethics, ensuring the protection of scientific research. The editorial board follows the principles of "Publishing Ethics" and ensures that previously published materials are cited appropriately. The editorial board reserves the right to check submitted articles for plagiarism.

Manuscript Structure

A manuscript must include the following sections:

  1. Title Page
  2. Abstract
  3. Keywords
  4. Introduction
  5. Materials and Methods
  6. Results and Discussion
  7. Conclusions
  8. References

Title Page

The title page should include:

  • Full names of all authors (in Uzbek, English, and Russian), along with their ORCID numbers
  • A concise and descriptive title (in Uzbek, English, and Russian)
  • Authors' affiliations, including organization, department, and city (in Uzbek, English, and Russian)
  • A valid email address and phone number for all authors


The abstract should be 150–200 words, without abbreviations or citations.


Provide 4–6 keywords.


The introduction should establish the relevance of the research, briefly analyze existing results on the topic, identify the research problem, propose a hypothesis, and formulate the objectives of the study.

Materials and Methods

This section may include subsections detailing the sources and descriptions of the research materials, methods of obtaining new materials or constructions, and the methods used for studying their physical, chemical, mechanical, and operational properties, with appropriate standards cited.

Results and Discussion

This section may include several subsections, presenting results and analyzing them using modern interpretations. Emphasis should be placed on novelty and validity. All tables and figures must be cited in the text and actively discussed.


The conclusions should summarize the main findings without repeating the abstract and provide recommendations for applying the results in practice.


References should be cited in the text using numbers in square brackets. The bibliography should include only works cited in the text and must be in English. Each entry must include the authors' names, the work's title, source name, publication details (year, volume, issue, pages), and email (if applicable).

Formatting Guidelines

  • File Format: Submit the manuscript in .docx format (Word 2010 or higher).
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.5 line spacing.
  • Page Format: A4 (210x297 mm), 2 cm margins on all sides.
  • Automatic Numbering: Use automated numbering for pages and sections.
  • Tables: Create tables using the table function, not spreadsheets.
  • Equations: Use a formula editor for mathematical and chemical equations.
  • Abbreviations: Introduce abbreviations with their full form on first use.
  • Figures and Graphs:
    • Submit vector graphics in EPS or TIFF format.
    • Ensure clear, bold lines and readable text (font size 8–12 pt).
    • Provide figure captions in English, starting with "Figure 1."

Formatting Images

Image Preparation

  • Keep all images and figures in digital format.
  • For vector graphics, use EPS or TIFF formats, but MS Office files are also acceptable.
  • Avoid weak lines and ensure text is legible at its final size.
  • All lines should have a minimum width of 0.1 mm.
  • If zooming in is required, provide a scaled version of the image.

Captions for Images

  • Captions must be in English.
  • Use fonts like Helvetica or Arial for annotations on images.
  • Ensure consistent font size across all images (typically 2–3 mm or 8–12 pt).
  • Minimize font size differences between images.
  • Avoid effects like shadows and outlines.
  • Do not include image titles and captions inside the image.

Numbering Images

  • Use Arabic numerals for image numbers, and ensure images are numbered sequentially in the text.
  • Different parts of an image should be labeled with lowercase letters (e.g., a, b, c).
  • Captions should begin with "Figure 1" and briefly describe the content.

References to Images in Text

  • All images must be cited in the text.
  • When using previously published materials, include proper citations after the figure's caption.

Image Size

  • Ensure images fit the column width of the journal layout.

Additional Requirements for Tables

  • Tables must be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals.
  • Their numbering should follow the sequence in which they are cited in the text.
  • When including previously published material in a table, provide citations after the table title.

Bosh muharrir: kimyo fanlari doktori, professor Adxam Salimovich Rafiqov.

Bosh muharrir о‘rinbosari: texnika bо‘yicha falsafa doktori, dotsent Asror Mahmayusupovich Daminov

Mas’ul kotib: texnika bо‘yicha falsafa doktori, dotsent Nodir Amonovich Navruzov

Tahririyat hay’ati:

Tabiiy tolalarni dastlabki ishlash texnologiyasi;

t.f.d., prof. A.Z.Mamatov, t.f.d., prof. A.Parpiyev, t.f.d., prof. M.Ergashov, t.f.n., prof., A.A.Ismailov, t.f.d., dots. SH.SH.Xakimov, t.f.n., prof A.M.Salimov,  t.f.d., dots. X.S.Usmanov, PhD., dots. M.E.Ruzmetov, t.f.n. dots. M.A.Gapparova, PhD., prof. A.P.Mavlyanov, PhD., dots. T.Tuychiyev, PhD., dots. N.A.Navruzov, PhD., dots. M.M.Ochilov, PhD. SH.SH.Shuxratov, PhD.,dots. M.D.Shoraxmedova, DSc, M.X.Axmedov, PhD.,dots. E.Berdanov, PhD, S.Elmonov, PhD, B.N.Kuziyev, PhD, M.Bobomurodov

Ipak ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi;

t.f.d., prof. A.E.Gulamov, DSc. J.A.Axmedov, t.f.d., dots. K.R.Avazov, DSc Q.E.Sobirov, PhD., dots. X.X.Umirzakova, PhD., A.P.Eshmirzayev, PhD., M.A.Hakimova

Yigirish texnologiyasi;

t.f.n., dots. T.B.Murodov, t.f.n., dots. S.L.Matismailov, t.f.n., dots. A.P.Pirmatov, t.f.n., dots. SH.R.Fayzullayev, PhD., dots. O.O.Rajapov, PhD., dots. F.F.Raxmatullinov, PhD., K.Axmedov

Tо‘qimachilik matolari ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi;

t.f.d., prof. M.M.Muqimov, t.f.d., prof. N.R.Xanxodjayeva, DSc., D.N.Kadirova, t.f.d., dots. U.T.Abdullayev, t.f.n., dots. B.K.Xasanov, PhD., dots. B.D.Doniyorov, t.f.n., dots. M.A.Doniyorova, PhD. G.X.Gulyayeva, PhD. X.A.Xazratkulov, PhD. X.Y.Rasulov, PhD., dots. N.B.Yusupova, PhD., dots. O.A.Ortiqov, PhD., dots. U.R.Uzakova, PhD., v.b. dots. R.M.Yangiboyev

Tо‘qimachilik materialshunosligi;

t.f.d., prof. S.A.Xamroyeva, t.f.n., prof. T.A.Ochilov, PhD. U.B.Rajabova

Kimyoviy texnologiya;

t.f.d., prof. D.B.Xudoyberdiyeva, t.f.d., prof. I.A.Nabiyeva, DSc., dots. M.X.Mirzaxmedova, t.f.n., dots. M.SH.Xasanova, t.f.n., dots. N.S.Amirova, PhD., dots. S.X.Karimov, t.fn., dots., S.X.Xasanova

Tikuv buyumlari ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi;

t.f.d., prof. S.SH.Toshpulatov, t.f.d., prof. M.A.Mansurova, t.f.n., dots. M.Babadjanova, PhD., dots. A.B.Kasimova

Charm buyumlari ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi;

t.f.d., dots. A.Y.Toshev, t.f.d., dots. N.B.Mirzayev, PhD., dots. D.Z.Pazilova

Matbaa texnologiyalari;

t.f.d., prof. X.A.Babaxanova, PhD. I.A.Bulanov, PhD., dots. A.A.Djalilov, PhD., D.R.Safayeva

Mehnat muxofazasi va texnika xavfsizligi;

t.f.d., dots. O.M.Yо‘ldosheva, t.f.n., S.T.Tuxtabayev, t.f.n., dots. I.Axmedov, PhD., J.S.Arabov, PhD., F.Sirojiddinov, PhD., N.Xusanova.

Yengil sanoat korxonalari iqtisodiyoti;

PhD. N.M.Muminova, PhD. M.X.Temirov, PhD. O.A.Davronov, PhD. I.B.Jumaniyazov, PhD., M.R.Xudoykulov, PhD., B.B.Djurayev, PhD. Z.X.Bazarov

Soxaga tegishli fundamental fanlar, ingliz va nemis tili filologiyasi;
DSc. F.Ikromxonova, PhD. G.Inamova, PhD. X.Boymonov